Tim Norman, a former reality TV star on the show "Welcome to Sweetie Pie's," has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for his role in a murder-for-hire plot that led to the death of his nephew. Norman was found guilty in August 2021 of conspiring to kill his nephew, Andre Montgomery, in 2016 in order to collect a life insurance payout.
At his sentencing hearing, the judge called Norman's actions "heinous and senseless" and noted that he had shown no remorse for his actions. Norman's co-conspirator, Waiel Yaghnam, was also sentenced to life in prison without parole.
The case garnered national attention due to Norman's celebrity status and the fact that it involved a family member. During the trial, prosecutors argued that Norman had taken out a $450,000 life insurance policy on Montgomery and conspired with Yaghnam to make it look like a robbery gone wrong.
The defense argued that there was no evidence linking Norman to the murder and that Yaghnam was the sole perpetrator. However, the jury ultimately found Norman guilty of all charges.
The sentencing brings closure to a long and tragic case, and serves as a reminder of the serious consequences that come with attempting to profit from someone else's death.