The article in The Athletic discusses the issue of black representation in the Premier League, with a specific focus on the experiences of Patrick Vieira, a former player, and current manager. Vieira believes that there is a lack of representation of black managers in the league, even though black players are well-represented on the pitch. He attributes this to the structural inequalities that exist within football, and the wider society, that prevents black individuals from getting equal opportunities.

Vieira argues that there is a need for more diversity at all levels of football, from management to boardrooms, to address this imbalance. He suggests that football clubs should take proactive steps to promote diversity, such as setting targets for hiring black and minority ethnic candidates and providing more opportunities for them to gain experience and progress in their careers.

The article also highlights some of the challenges that black managers face in the Premier League, such as being subjected to unfair scrutiny and criticism and not being given enough time to prove themselves. It suggests that the media, fans, and club owners need to be more aware of these issues and take steps to address them.

Overall, the article is an important reminder of the need for greater diversity and representation in football and the wider society. It highlights the challenges that black individuals face in securing equal opportunities and the steps that need to be taken to address these inequalities.