
The article you linked to is about a high school student on Vancouver Island who designed the official Pink Shirt Day shirt for Canada. Pink Shirt Day is an annual event that takes place in February to raise awareness about bullying and promote kindness.

The student's design features two hands forming a heart shape, with a white dove in the center. The shirt is pink, which is the signature color of Pink Shirt Day.

The student said that the hands in the design represent people coming together to support each other, while the dove represents peace and kindness. She also said that the design is meant to be inclusive and to represent all people, regardless of their background or identity.

The Pink Shirt Day campaign began in 2007, when two high school students in Nova Scotia organized a protest against bullying after a fellow student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Since then, Pink Shirt Day has become a national event in Canada and is celebrated in many schools and workplaces across the country.